I have tried a diverse array of flavored cigars ranging in both price and size. The cigars were nicely packaged during shipment and they felt and smelled slightly over humidified, which is not unusual for mail-delivered cigars. I had allowed them to recover in my humidor for at least two weeks which is maintained at 69% RH & 69 F.
Based on my past experiences with other hand-rolled flavored products, I would rate these cigars 1/5. Taking into consideration their low cost, however, I have adjusted the rating to 2.5/5 based on the following qualities:
Construction: Very inconsistent - one would expect as much given that these cigars were rolled without the use of a mold. The gauge varied significantly, where the Honey and Rum cigars were closer to the advertised 38 while the Cherry and Amaretto ones were more like mid to high twenties. In contrast, the wrapper construction was generally decent throughout.
Draw: Inconsistent - as reflected in the varying gauge, the draw was rather poor for the vast majority of the Cherry and Amaretto cigars. They were rolled too tight. In contrast, some of the Honey and Rum ones were rolled too loose often resulting in uneven burn. The cigars were lit correctly using a three-burner torch lighter and smoked in a setting where the wind was not a significant factor.
Flavor: Somewhat inconsistent - each of the flavors were represented in the cigars. However, I have found some of them to be sickly sweet in an artificial manner reminiscent of sucking on a packet of aspartame. This was much more evident in the Cherry and Amaretto varieties. The flavors did not last long throughout the length, which for some was a blessing in disguise. The filler tobacco itself was pretty smooth and mild, with subtle hints of spices and leather towards the bottom half.
Overall experience: Not a bad one at less than $0.60 per stick (including shipping), and they are decent enough to give away to novice or non-smokers. I don't mind recommending them to those who like to smoke often while being on a budget. However, for those that enjoy cigars more intermittently, I recommend that you spend a bit more money on other products. The filler quality is pretty good, but the added flavors were sub-par at best. If I were to purchase them again I would stay away from the Cherry and Amaretto varieties.
Affordable alternatives that are consistent both in construction and flavor throughout the length of the cigar: Dominican Sweets by Cusano (very strong and sweet flavors); Tatiana (strong and sweet flavors); Cuban Honeys (subtle and balanced); and CAO Flavors (subtle, balanced, and interesting infusions).
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!] |